Baldor-Reliance Fractional HP DC Speed Control, BC354, NEMA 4X, 1 Max HP
One-way DC controls are designed to operate permanent magnet or wound field motors. If the motor's rotation needs to be changed, the armature leads need to be reversed. Some NEMA 1 and NEMA 4X controls offer optional switched for reversal. Stopping of a motor with a one-way control should be done by dynamic braking, some controls offer the Forward-Brake-Reverse switch for this purpose too.
Field power supply allows use with shunt wound DC motors as well as permanent magnet motors
Adjustable accel, decel, current limit, IR comp, min and max speed
Current limit indicating LED
5K speed pot for speed control
Anti-demag circuit protects PM motors and helps protect the SCR power bridge against direct shorts
Noise rejection circuit eliminates false starts and blown SCR's
UL and cUL recognized
Conveyors, mixers, packaging machinery and other applications requiring variable speed and constant torque.