October 10, 2022
MTC and SST Tax Exemption Forms
GoVets is always happy to honor your tax exemption status! ALL tax-exempt buyers on GoVets MUST submit Tax Exempt documentation, particularly for the states in which they are claiming Tax Exemption. One of the most common questions we receive regarding tax exemption is the MTC (Multistate Tax Commissions) and SST (Streamlined Sales Tax) form. Although these forms are supposed to simplify things, they can be overwhelming at times. This article we will serve as a guide on how to fill out the MTC and SST exemption forms. If you do not have nexus (not registered with that state) and are unable to provide a certificate for that state, these forms are great alternatives that a majority of states will accept. Please note, there are some states that still require a certificate from that state, although they are part of