Specific Gravity ASTM Hydrometer MPN:B61891-0700
Specific Gravity ASTM Hydrometer
Specific gravity hydrometers are the most widely used hydrometers, common in industries such as food and beverage, chemistry, pharmacology, transportation, refrigeration, and more. Made of lead-free ballast and glass, this plain form hydrometer measures the specific gravity of light liquids in accordance with the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) E100 standards. It conforms to the accuracy requirements of ASTM hydrometers as listed. It is serialized and has a temperature standardization of 60°F/60°F. It is packaged with a multilanguage (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish) Statement of Accuracy indicating accuracy traceable to NIST. Note: ASTM hydrometers should be stored in a clean, dry, safe place. They should not be subjected to extreme temperatures.
Manufacturer Details
- Manufacturer: Durac
- Condensed Mfg Number: B618910700
- MPN: B61891-0700
Label Details
- Hazardous Material: N
- Green Material Flag: N
- Country of Origin: CN
- CA Prop 65 Wht Label: N
Classification Details
- Harmonization Code: 9025802000
- GDS Category Name: Hydrometers
- GDS Family Name: Water Testing Equipment and Meters
- GDS Segment Name: Lab Supplies
- UNSPSC: 41113024
- UNSPSC Class ID: 30
- UNSPSC Commodity Name: Chemical evaluation instruments and supplies
- UNSPSC Commodity ID: 24
- UNSPSC Commodity Name: Hydrometers
- UNSPSC Family ID: 11
- UNSPSC Family Name: Measuring and observing and testing instruments
- UNSPSC Segment ID: 41
- UNSPSC Segment Name: Laboratory and Measuring and Observing and Testing Equipment
Shipping Details
- Not For Sale In: HI AK PR
Product info last updated on April 4, 2024 10:50am UTC
Category: Water Testing Equipment and Meters