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Search our FAQs or browse by category belowAdding Promo Codes to Your Order
Adding Promo Codes
GoVets provides customers different opportunities to add promotion codes to their orders. Please note that not all orders or products qualify for promotion codes. If you have a promo code that you received from a GoVets source or the GoVets promotions page that is applicable to your product, you can apply it to one of the following location:
Adding Promo Codes to the Shopping Cart:
When you are on a product page and you select the "Add to Cart" button, you will then have the opportunity to go to your shopping cart. The best way to access your shopping cart is to click on the top right icon that looks like a shopping cart. Once you are on your shopping cart, you have the ability to enter a Promo code below the Product lists. If your promo/coupon code works, you will receive a green success notification indicating that the promo code works. Your shopping cart will also be updated with the name and value of the coupon. At this point, you can either complete the checkout process or return to another page on and continue shopping.
Adding Promo Codes to the Checkout Page:
When you are ready to check-out and pay for your order, you will be redirected to our One-Page Checkout where you can enter all of your information on one easy page without having to go through multiple checkout steps. On the checkout page, there is a section called Order Summary and you can enter a promo code in this section. Again, if your promo code works, your order summary page will be updated with the discount applied. If it is not valid, you will receive a red banner indicating that the promo code is not valid.
Promo Code is Not Working
Please note that there are times when you may have received a coupon from GoVets or a GoVets partner, but it is no longer working in your cart. There are many reasons that may cause this error to happen, including:
- Promo code typed incorrectly - When this happens, please check the spelling of the promo code and try again.
- Promo code has expired - When this happens, please check with your source to determine if another promo cod exists. Otherwise, you may be out of luck after a promo code expires.
- Promo code has a lower priority than existing promo codes or instant discounts in your cart - If an existing promo code is already applied to your cart, you can remove (cancel) this existing promo code and try the new one. If the new promo code provides a better discount than the previous one, go ahead and use it. Otherwise, continue to use the previous promo code or cart discount.
- Invalid / Fraudulent Promo Code - There are many websites out there that claim to have GoVets promo codes but are actually fraudulent or have other reasons to attract users to their websites. Whether the promo code you received is from a credible coupon code website or a site that is not very well known, we cannot guarantee that this coupon code will work. It may have been a valid coupon code in the past and their systems are not being updated, or they are potentially fraudulent websites that are attracting customers to their website for other reasons.