What is GoVets Cash Rewards?

707 views  June 23, 2022

GoVets Cash Rewards is an exciting program that GoVets launched in June, 2022 to give our loyal customers additional opportunities to earn money savings towards future orders on GoVets.  This program essentially rewards our customers our very own currency called GoVets Dollars (GV$).  Every GoVets Dollar earned is worth $1 towards any purchase on GoVets.  There is no limit on how many GoVets Dollars that can be earned and we are always finding new and exciting opportunities for our customers to earn.  Here are just a few ways that you can start earning: 


Make a Purchase on GoVets  →  1 GoVets Dollar for EVERY $100 spent in your order 

Make a $1000 Purchase on GoVets  →  10 GoVets Dollar for EVERY $1000 spent in your order 

Sign-up for our Newsletter  →  1 GoVets Dollar

Earn extra GoVets Dollars with new Promotions coming out each week!


If you have a great idea for earning GoVets Cash Rewards, please reach out - we'd love to hear from you and find fun and creative ways for our customers to Shop, Save, and Support Veterans!   

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