Hex Bushing Aluminum 1 1/4 x 1/2 in MPN:ZUSA-PF-9404
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The hex bushing aluminum is a versatile component designed for lightweight yet sturdy support and alignment of machined parts or assemblies in a variety of industries. Its size, 1-1/4'' diameter by 1/2'' length, makes it suitable for applications in aerospace, automotive, construction or plumbing where space is limited but strength is still necessary. The aluminum material ensures durability while reducing weight making the hex bushing ideal for use with thin-walled components such as tubes or rods subjected to heavy loads during operation. Its hexagonal shape permits secure placement through threaded holes while a smooth finish offers easy movement of parts once positioned. The lightweight construction reduces stress on connected components, enhancing performance and prolonging their life expectancy in numerous industrial applications.
Technical Specifications
- Item Class 150 Aluminum Hex Bushing
Manufacturer Details
- Manufacturer: GoVets Direct
- Condensed Mfg Number: ZUSAPF9404
- MPN: ZUSA-PF-9404
Label Details
- Hazardous Material: N
- Green Material Flag: N
- Country of Origin: US
- CA Prop 65 Wht Label: N
Classification Details
- Harmonization Code: 7609000000
- GDS Category Name: Metal Pipe Fittings
- GDS Family Name: Pipe Fittings and Couplings
- GDS Segment Name: Plumbing
- UNSPSC: 40141734
- UNSPSC Class ID: 17
- UNSPSC Commodity Name: Hardware and fittings
- UNSPSC Commodity ID: 34
- UNSPSC Commodity Name: Hose fitting
- UNSPSC Family ID: 14
- UNSPSC Family Name: Fluid and gas distribution
- UNSPSC Segment ID: 40
- UNSPSC Segment Name: Distribution and Conditioning Systems and Equipment and Components
Shipping Details
- Not For Sale In: HI AK PR