Igaging's absolute origin dro uses high accuracy absolute memory technology. It keeps track of its origin position once set. Whenever the dro is turned on the easy-view super large lcd displays the actual sensor position ready to start measuring. It's not necessary to reset zero. The measuring speed is unlimited. High quality surface finish for extra smooth slider movement. Features ul style"margin-top0px; padding-top 5px; padding-bottom 5px;" igaging absolute measuring technology. The dro will remember the origin you set and recognize it every time the unit is powered on super speed measurement - high accuracy memorize origin zero rule made of hardened stainless steel to promote high accuracy and repeatability stackable readout panels for any number of panels for multiple axis super large lcd display inch/metric/fractions preset function range (travel) 0-6"/0-150mm accuracy 0.001" resolution 0.0005"/0.01mm total beam length 10.5" displays are equipped with magnets to allow easy attachment to steel surfaces remote cable length 76" includes an articulating arm that allows stacking of multiple displays for any number of axis includes 2 different types of mounting brackets for flexibility of installation includes 2 sets of batteries